Ashrénu, mah tov chelkénu: Heirs to one of the world’s most beautiful love poems
And yes, Virginia, there is a connection between my life as a Jew and my “hobby” as a science fiction fan: If I could find one word to describe the selfless love of Babylon 5’s resident romantic, Marcus Cole, for Susan Ivanova, it would be this—“libavtini,” you have ravished my heart.” Surely, for this man, who sacrificed his own life to save hers, “azah cha-mavet ahavah, as strong as death is love . . . “
Yes, but Ivanova was gay.
So to quote Edward G. Robinson (another Passover allusion): Where's your parallel noooooooooowwww????
Now, now, PT, have you forgotten the first-season episode "The War Prayer," in which Ivanova almost rekindles the romance with an old flame--of the *male* variety--until she realizes that he's gone off the deep end, politically, since last she saw him, and become a literally murderous reactionary? She's not gay, she's bi.
In any case, *Marcus* sure as bleep wasn't gay!
She was confused in the first season.
And Marcus was frum.
Or shomer negiah, in any case. :)
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